Technical Program

NEW: DaMEMO is running as part of the ICDM Workshop on Data Mining in Emerging Domains II. Download the Program.

The following papers are accepted:

S02204Juan Rendon and Lilian de Menezes, "Structural Combination of Neural Network Models"
S02203Mohammed Abdallatif, Sebastian Schramm, and Jürgen Götze, "Application of Fuzzy C-Means for Proactive Clustering of Electrical Power Systems"
S02202Peter Laurinec, Marek Lóderer, Petra Vrablecová, Maria Lucká, Viera Rozinajová, and Anna Bou Ezzeddine, "Adaptive Time Series Forecasting of Energy Consumption using Dynamic Cluster Analysis"
S02201Jeremiah Deng, "Online Outlier Detection of Energy Data Streams using Incremental and Kernel PCA Algorithms"
DM1074 Petra Vrablecová, Viera Rozinajová, and Anna Bou Ezzeddine, "Incremental Time Series Prediction Using Error-Driven Informed Adaptation"